What would you do if your spouse/SO was confined to a mental facility?

Would you stick by them and hope they get the help they need or would this be a deal-breaker moment for you? Or would you take a wait and see approach?

Let's say they were there because of a suicide attempt and there is no diagnosis yet. Would your answer change depending on the diagnosis? (Bipolar Disorder vs. Schizophrenia for example)
What if the relationship was already on the rocks, though?

I mean, I'm waiting and seeing because maybe with proper care he can be the man (or at least more like) I met and fell in love with. We've been together nearly 3 years, but the past 1 1/2 have been Hell. We were talking splitting way before this. Now he wants me there and I will be, but dang, if something doesn't change I have to end it for my own mental health and physical safety.
We aren't married and it's not a mental disability, it's a mental illness.

View this post on my blog: http://bipolarspouse.net/bipolar-spouse/questions-answered/what-would-you-do-if-your-spouseso-was-confined-to-a-mental-facility

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