How to deal with Bipolar Spouse?

Being married is such a battle field...And I am not perfect.
Everytime I ask my husband to take out the trash or some other chore---it upsets him.
Am I innocent? Not entirely, at times I ask politely and other times I do not.
I suppose my question turns into nagging.
I don't understand if trash is all over the floor--- why anyone would ignore it.
We all have our jobs in the household--- my husband's only chore in the house is to take out the trash and take care of the lawn. ( I gladly take care of the rest)
He tells me, he'll take it out in a few. ( hours past, and I get frustrated)
Which explains why half the time I nag. Although, the other half I do ask politely.
So the whole, please take out the trash-- turns into a HUGE ARGUMENT due to the reaction of both him and I. Additionally, his Bipolar pops out and I cannot speak. It's primarly about him and his angers is uncontrollable.
Anybody have suggestions.

Thank you

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How does a spouse/mother and teens deal with a father who is bipolar but in denial and unmedicated?

How can we avoid the triggers when they seem more and more frequent everyday? Please help. I am walking on eggshells trying to protect my family.

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I am looking for guidance on whether I should stay married to my bipolar spouse or not.?

My husband was recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Although he had experienced both mania and depression before we met, and even contemplated suicide at one point in time, he says he did not know what his "diagnosis" was. He never told me about his prior episodes. I found out about everything following the birth of our little girl, which triggered a really bad manic episode followed by depression for several months. The manic episode really scared me. In fact, I have never been more frightened in my entire life. I never want to experience that again nor do I want my little girl experiencing what I went through. I have filed for divorce because I don't trust my husband anymore and I am fearful of what my future holds if I stay married to him. However, I am so torn by this decision and find that I struggle constantly with it. I took wedding vows "for better or for worse" but I can't seem to get past the breach of my husband not telling me about his past. I am looking for anyone out there who has experienced what I am experiencing now. I feel so mentally exhausted by this. Any thoughts/comments would be really appreciated. I am struggling quite a bit.

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Are your in-laws rednecks and perverts?

I had always heard of the saying "when you get married, you're marrying your spouse's family."

20 years later I'm still finding out how true that was. My FIL, as it turns out, sexually abused several of my wife's sisters. He beat up my MIL (RIP) numerous times, and basically turned her into a mental basket case whose only escape was cigarettes which ultimately killed her.

He is a control freak and if you don't play his way, you have no relationship with him. Never wants to see my kids, runs around with his new young tart, and besides all that, he smokes like a train and stinks. Drives around in his fancy-chromed bro-mobile. Knows everything about everything. He knows the best of everything, and if it's something that you know or have, then it sucks.

Everytime there's a family illness (grandparents etc) the whole family gets together and holds round the clock vigils. And you'd darn sure better be there or it's hell to pay. Cancelled vacations for death watch (that didn't happen), re-arranged plans, loads of drama.

One sister-in-law has lesbian tendencies and watches porn with her husband and they smoke pot together. Her hubby's been fired from jobs because of his porn addiction. Their kids are pretty much hopeless.

Another SIL is bipolar and a drug addict.

Meanwhile, my kids are quite fine, if I can keep them away from their psycho inlaws.

Am I just completely jaded, or completely put out after 20 years of this s*7t?

If it wasn't for my kids, I would run so fast I'd break the 100 meter sprint record. Gosh I can't believe I'm saying this, I'm just tired of the drama and weirdos.

Anyone else dealing with this crap?

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