how long do i need to support my bi-polar spouse?

I am thinking about divorcing my bipolar wife. we are married for 8 years and she never worked outside home. I cannot take it any more of her abusive behavior . In CA, if I divorce her , how long do i need to support her and how much (percentage of my income) per month i need to give her any primary estimate ?
she never worked to earn money and I did not know about her disease until our marriage was 3 year old

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If your bipolar spouse became flat and boring..?

If you had a Bipolar spouse with very rapid cycling (and they were either in a rage or so depressed they could commit suicide) and they went on a mood stabilizer that made their personality flat, and leaving your spouse an ultimately boring person to be around, would you be okay with continuing to be married to that person, considering the reason they're flat is to prevent suicide/other Bipolar "complications?"

Also, switching medications is not an option. Only one has proven to work.

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