If your spouse had AD HD and acted inappropriately at times would you still love them?

My fiance has AD HD and is also in the process of being diagnosed for other issues (seizure disorder, possibly bipolar) it's taking a while to get him on the right medications and get proper care as he only recently got health insurance and in our town the mental health agencies are swamped and move slowly.

So, if your SO threw tantrums, acted embarrassingly in public at times and had inappropriate, even bizarre or occasionally violent responses/reactions to everyday situations but was otherwise a caring person and normal spouse would you hang in there? Or would the occasional outbursts/ bad behavior end it for you?
I was curious because of the responses to my last question...I wasn't thinking and left out that he has these issues. :-)
Oh, I'm not asking because I don't know what to do, like I said I wanted to know what others would do because of my other question. I'm in it for the long haul, I want him to get better and he is making a lot of effort as well...or I would be gone.

View this post on my blog: http://bipolarspouse.net/bipolar-spouse/questions-answered/if-your-spouse-had-ad-hd-and-acted-inappropriately-at-times-would-you-still-love-them

My in-laws are dysfunctional, what do I do?

So I have this situation that I would like your suggestions. My husband and I were living with my in-laws for 2 months. Originally we planned to stay there a month as we were going to buy a new house. We back out of the deal and ended up staying with them for 2 months. My mother in law approaches my husband to ask him why are we so quiet. His response was to her was that they haven't been speaking to us for a week or two so we were just staying out of their hairs. To make a long story short an argument broke out between my mother in law, sister in law and husband. I was upstairs the entire time. When I heard my sister in law say "get you and your fuc*ing wife out my house" I went downstairs. Why, because I couldn't believe what I had just heard. Obviously there was a problem here and I felt it was the time to solve it. So I'm downstairs I'm listening to everyone arguing and all of a sudden my sister in law says to my husband "you don't help out around the house". I was in shock! I cleaned, I bought cleaning products, my husband paid rent money. Mind you, my brother in law and his wife live in that house and don't pay a dime. We had only been there for 2 months and already gave them over 0. Everyone is yelling so I said "but we pay rent money too" of course I said it yelling as everyone was too. Next thing I know my sister in law jumped me like an animal. So now I'm involved in a fight. Everyone is "trying" to break it up. My sister in law is a big girl and I'm relatively small. So my husband jumps in grabs her by the hair and tells her to let go. She wouldn't so he pushed her downward by her hair and she finally let go of my hair. Then she starts calling me all sorts of names, gets knives, threatened to stab my husband and I with them. I called the cops cause they are way to dysfunctional to try to resolve and issue with. Well the cops came. She begins to tell the cops that my husband beat her and he has a history of spousal abuse. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Note: my husband does have history of spouse abuse but he has come a loooong way from that. That's not even an issue anymore. The cops didn't buy her story. They wrote down everything that happened because they saw how she was acting. At the time the cops were there the family was in the basement trying to hold her down. Meanwhile they're looking that the three knifes inside the sink.

My husband and I left the home for good and got a little apartment. We're doing good. However, he is depressed because he feels he hurt his sister. But the way I see it and this is what I explained to him is that he didn't hurt his sister, his sister hurt us. She was obviously wrong because she turned a normal argument into a assault. My husband was the only one there to hold her down and make her stop as he's stronger than her. If he hadn't changed he would have hit her or hurt her really bad but he didn't, he only held her by her hair and she was doing me and slowly pulled her down to the ground. She then let go. She says that the bruising on her head was due to him but in reality they're do to me pulling her hair, why do I know this, because she was also pulling the hell out of my hair and I too had bruising on my head. I couldn't even comb my hair! Well what brings me to this is that my sister in law has managed to have my husband's entire family not talk to him because she has turned this into how my husband assaulted her. She obviously knows she's wrong so she's manipulated her family to not even think about what she started. I could go on but this is the gist of the story.

Note: I later found out that when she was a kid she was said to be bipolar and schizophrenic.

Any thoughts on how I can deal with this.

Thank you

View this post on my blog: http://bipolarspouse.net/bipolar-spouse/questions-answered/my-in-laws-are-dysfunctional-what-do-i-do

Why is it inexcusable?

Why is it inexcusable for a bf/gf/spouse/whatever to treat you like dirt repeatedly, but as soon as said lover is labelled "bipolar" we should all be so forgiving of their inability to love someone correctly?

It's total garbage. If you are that mentally unstable that you can't treat your loved ones with dignity and respect - you should be hospitalized indefinitely.
Note that I didn't say that all bipolars should be locked up...just the ones that have NO control over how much they hurt people.

View this post on my blog: http://bipolarspouse.net/bipolar-spouse/questions-answered/why-is-it-inexcusable

View this post on my blog: http://bipolarspouse.net/bipolar-spouse/questions-answered/550
View this post on my blog: http://bipolarspouse.net/bipolar-spouse/questions-answered/549