How to deal with Bipolar Spouse?

Being married is such a battle field...And I am not perfect.
Everytime I ask my husband to take out the trash or some other chore---it upsets him.
Am I innocent? Not entirely, at times I ask politely and other times I do not.
I suppose my question turns into nagging.
I don't understand if trash is all over the floor--- why anyone would ignore it.
We all have our jobs in the household--- my husband's only chore in the house is to take out the trash and take care of the lawn. ( I gladly take care of the rest)
He tells me, he'll take it out in a few. ( hours past, and I get frustrated)
Which explains why half the time I nag. Although, the other half I do ask politely.
So the whole, please take out the trash-- turns into a HUGE ARGUMENT due to the reaction of both him and I. Additionally, his Bipolar pops out and I cannot speak. It's primarly about him and his angers is uncontrollable.
Anybody have suggestions.

Thank you

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