Panasonic EP30006 Real Pro Ultra Massage Chair Lounger

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A Tailored Massage Using pressure sensor technology, the Ultra creates a virtual map of your back. The massage you receive is contoured to your height and your spine's curve. Real Pro Ultra scans your body and is able to identify you. The floating massage heads glide over your back and know where to massage and where not to. You create your own customizable program, which Ultra remembers for the next time you're ready for a massage. The air bags conform to your body, and the Air Ottoman System even extends to open/closed to accommodate any height. The Junetsu Massage Technique: A Panasonic Exclusive Junetsu, the Japanese word for ultra-fine kneading, is basedon the one-second circular thumb movements of professional massage therapists. Junetsu quickly loosens up tight muscles, and the spiral circular motion reverberates down through the muscles to invigorate you down to the surface of your bones. Reflexology For professional, personalized massage therapy on your feet, the Real Pro Ultra utilizes adjustable and removable plates to incorporate reflexology into the massage experience. This reflexology stimulates additional massage points on your feet, increasing blood and energy flow throughout your body. Acupoints You have approximately 350 acupoints on your body, with nearly 100 on your back and neck alone more info

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